March [Excitement]

March has been a month of planning for me...planning, no doing just yet, but I'm going through the process... :)
New hair is on the horizon and I'm soon going to be booking an appointment with one Ms Candace St Cyr to colour my hair.
Now the last time I added any kind of chemical was when I was about 17 years old, fresh out of high school and trying to be funky - I dyed the bottom half of my hair blonde. Lol. It seemed like a good idea then.
Now I'm opting to colour again, rather than do any drastic cuts, since I've spent so long growing my hair I'm not quite ready to part with it just yet. Ombre is my choice of colour (effect?). I mean, it's probably more bleaching than it actually is colouring. Some of my favourite starlets and bloggers have an ombre in their hair and while I'm still not 100% sold that it's right for me, I'm willing to take the plunge:

Camila Alves
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I'm also getting back into my Konadicure swing. For those of you who aren't familiar, Konad is this nail art technique using stamps and plates with patterns etched into them. It's pretty simple and easy to do at home and costs much less than going to the salon. Here are some examples of what you can do with a Konad set.

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In addition to Konadicures, I'm also going to experiment with ombre nail polish. Basically just a gradient of colour along the nail (some people also interpret it as a gradient of colour from finger to finger). I haven't been able to nail this yet so it's still a work in progress. If I'm successful I will post pics.

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Last but not least - actually, it's probably the thing I am MOST excited about - is my impending switch from my trusty old Blackberry, over to the iPhone. Basically I've just gotten tired of the Blackberry interface and I think I'd like to try something new. The iPhone is marketed like a personal assistant, especially with the addition of Siri with the 4S. I've been looking up apps like a woman possessed and I'm pretty excited by the notion that I can be better organized with this phone. Also, there's Instagram and an 8MP camera, what more could a hipster need? Of course losing BBM will be a hard pill to swallow but there's WhatsApp and in the long run, I may appreciate the unclogging of my communications network. Strip it down to the bare minimum and proceed from there. Who knows? I anticipate more and more relevant persons migrating soon to non-RIM platforms in any case, some to Android, some to iOS as well, so maybe we'll all end up in the WhatsApp pool.
I've already decided on my primary iPhone case and I'm still hunting around for a nice wristlet to use on days when I'm not lugging around a handbag.

Marc by Marc Jacobs iPhone Case
Michael Kors iPhone Wristlet

C'est tout for now...but I really will try to post here more often...I've been slacking in a big way.

Besss Carnival Compilation

Scorch does some of THE BEST events year round. Christopher Guinness compiled an amazing video of the best Scorch events throughout Carnival, culminating with a pump through Tribe Mas Band with Hoppy (the main man behind Scorch) et al. If you've never experienced Trinidad or its Carnival, this video should give you a pretty good idea of what you've been missing out on. Beautiful people, amazing vibes and too much alcohol (ha! no such thing).

Carnival 2012 Nostalgia powered by SCORCH! from Christopher Guinness on Vimeo.

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