Style Soul Food

It’s no secret to most who know me that style is one of my few true passions. I wish I could be one of those prodigies who can design, sew, model, manage, market and do any and everything associated with the fashion industry. While I’m not nearly bold-faced enough to publicly vocalize my opinions of the way most Trinbagonians dress…I feel like it can’t be perceived as THAT judgmental and snobby if I just offer some gentle nudges towards what I think is a slightly more refined and sophisticated means of dressing/styling oneself.
Every morning, without fail, I get to work at some ungodly hour, make myself a cup of coffee, and pore over my google reader which is basically just a steady flow of advertising and fashion blogs and news (the less prominent feeds are the architecture, interior design, technology and human rights blogs).
Here are some of my favourite/recommended sites and blogs to follow if you have any interest in fashion or would like to update your aesthetic or just looking for something pretty to look at :)
Lookbook – a fantastic place to start if you’re looking for fashion inspiration. The photography is also quite impressive since a lot of these persons do their own photography and editing. Here you can find all kinds of fashion genres, from prep to goth to classic chic. You find every range of products from luxury items like Chanel and YSL to your basic fashion retail stores like Forever 21 and American Apparel. It’s a brilliant resource for people like me who love to shop and reference clothing, since posters to the site are encouraged to list the items they’re wearing and where they purchased it. It’s also really great for discovering new fashion blogs since most of them also have their own blogs independent of their lookbook feed.
The Three F – Hands down my absolute favourite male fashion blog. Filippo Fiora is amazing, he’s brilliant, he is everything I want my little brother to be, style-wise (barring a few questionable shorts thrown in the mix sometimes). His shoe game is crazy crazy crazy off the chain (barring, again, some questionable Prada brogues I saw in a post once, he seemed to like them…I find them vile).  I want his shoe closet to share with all the men in my life.
LA's Blog – My latest discovery. Now, you should know I am a ZARA FREAK. I love Zara…almost everything they produce is something I would wear or carry on my shoulder. This girl’s style is so effortlessly chic, and it’s primarily because of her predominantly Zara/Bershka wardrobe. She doesn’t overwhelm the senses with exorbitantly priced designer goods or shoes, so her style seems accessible but still looks expensive. I know frequently purchasing  from Zara is still out of the price range for most lower to middle income Trinbagonians, but hey….there’s always Sale…:)

Ok…that’s all for now. I have a few more up my sleeve but I’ll save them for a later blog post. Maybe this can be a regular installment.



2 Response to Style Soul Food

Friday, October 07, 2011

Thanks for sharing your fashion/style resources! I'm a Zara fanatic too! One thing that will taking getting used to here is not having access to the shopping options I had in the States (and in Beirut). You should also check out really interesting resource on the design world. Cheers!

Friday, October 07, 2011

Thanks for the link. Checking it out now. The lack of shopping resources in Trinidad is the bane of my existence, lol. I wish we had Zara or Mango here...but then I guess everyone would be wearing it...double edged sword.

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